Bleed for Love (At the Magic Door)

by the storm you bring
By your lack of will
The emptiness you leave
You trapped me in a dream
Keep me far from reality
I should tear down the wall
But your voice mesmerizes my soul
A siren or a ghoul
I bleed for love
They say: “You should leave ghosts from the past behind”
I turn and throw backwards a coin in a fountain
But despite bad luck hopes don’t die
Just for a night
When I see that smile
I can feel that I’m still alive
Just for a night
You run and hide
And I’m left behind, here, to curse the sky
You trapped me in a dream
Keep me far from reality
I should tear down the wall
But your voice mesmerizes my soul
A siren or a ghoul
I bleed for love
They say: “You should move on, there is no destiny”
But you’re life and death and everything in between
Even though I’m ashamed to say it
The magic door
Somewhere in Rome
There I’ll wait for the one I adore
The magic door
There we once more
Will go back to get what we’ve become
I know you saw the black moon
Between the Hangman and the Fool
But don’t try your Luck again
Or you, my dear, might loose its gift
The only dragon to defeat
My dear is your own fear
Opening your eyes you’ll see:
There’s no real wall in between
by the storm you bring
By your lack of will
The emptiness you leave
You trapped me in a dream
Keep me far from reality
I should tear down the wall
But your voice mesmerizes my soul
A siren or a ghoul
I bleed for love
I bleed for love
Here’s again the dawn
The light in your eyes has gone
I bleed for love
At the magic door
Blamed for a murder I never wrote
by the storm you bring
From the album At the Magic Door, by Strega.
Lyrics by Delia Morrigan.
Music by Heidi Holappa and Delia Morrigan.
Cover illustration by Delia Morrigan.

From the dark moon
She will rise in the woods
If we just are
Enough faithful
Shining red hair
Her beauty and her pride
Your only chance
To live or to survive
Rejected from
God and the whole Eden
She has no hope
Or will to go back there
Seems like tonight
She could be listening
To all our thoughts
That’s why we pray and call
She is there for all brokenhearted at night and
She’ll still be there when this world will come to an end.
She protects all
Rebels coming undone
She’s our mother
Our goddes and lover
In the forest
She lives her deep freedom
And in our hearts
She has her own kingdom
She protects all
Those who fought since the dawn
Of everything
Those who still are burning
Seems like tonight
She could be listening
To all our thoughts,
That’s why we pray and call:
She is there for all brokenhearted at night and
She’ll still be there when this world
Will come to an end
In the name of the black moon
From the album At the Magic Door, by Strega.
Lyrics by Delia Morrigan.
Music by Sami Santanen and Delia Morrigan.
Cover illustration by Delia Morrigan.

Another night
Another dime
To throw away
Another sight
Another quiet
Howl in my head
‘Cause here at night
I can’t reply
Only cry in bed
You are the dime that brings bad luck
You are the struck and the stardust
You’re the disaster and
My only master and
It doesn’t help trying to live
‘Cause without you I cannot breathe
Another night
Another dime
It’s just the same
Another bite
Another cry
Not in my head
‘Cause here at night
Alone I die
Wish I could forget
You are the dime that brings bad luck
You are the struck and the stardust
You’re the disaster and
My only master and
You are the dime that brings bad luck
You are the struck and the stardust
You’re the disaster and
My only master and
It doesn’t help trying to live
‘Cause without you I cannot breathe
I just cannot breathe
From the album At the Magic Door, by Strega.
Lyrics by Delia Morrigan.
Music by Heidi Holappa and Delia Morrigan.
Cover illustration by Delia Morrigan.

Have you seen the night my friend?
Have you seen its most dead end?
So why don’t you
Show me your claws?
Nothing’s as tragic as passion repressed
Nothing as noble as a moon to undress
Your mouth’s tasting like blood
Your mouth’s tasting like blood
The rain turns into flood with this wisdom undead and nothing left to regret
So our storm is all set
Show me your claws
How do you feel tonight my friend?
Are you enjoying the red dream you see?
Inside of all your dreams you see
There’s the crooked and vague shape of a myth
Your real way to be
A fire that burns from below
The supernatural growl of your soul held from above
A beast finally released
From the false talk of the priest
Never forget what’s the work of the witch
Never forget what’s the work of the witch
Never forget what’s the work of the witch
Never forget what’s the work of the witch
And the dream of Lilith
She’s gonna show you her claws
She’s gonna show you her claws, what’s hidden under her gown
The classic theme of return
And of your moral undone
Show me your claws
Never forget what’s the work of the witch
From the album At the Magic Door, by Strega.
Lyrics by Delia Morrigan.
Music by Petri Lahti-Nuuttila and Delia Morrigan.
Cover illustration by Delia Morrigan.